
Pains in the Joints,Knee,Wrists,Back is unbearable.

If there is inflammation or Swelling it all the more painful.

Taking pain killers may resolve the problem momentarily and as the pain persists, the present Dosage of the tablets  has to be increased.

This is not good for health

Try these simple Home remedies for relief from swelling, Inflammation and pain.

Hot Fomentation.

1.Keep the affected part (if it is wrist,Fingers or Feet)  in bearably Hot water and message for about fifteen minutes.

For Knee, Back, or the other parts of the Body where you can not immerse them in water and message, take a Towel which is neither too thin not thick, soak in Hot Water,wring the water slightly, and apply it to the affected part.

Take two teaspoons of regular Salt(not powdered) , make a small bundle of it in a medium cloth pieces

Take two teaspoonful of Gingelly Oil, heat it till it…

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All Tennis Players Must Be Aware About This….

the don of the game

Tennis ElbowInjuries are roadblocks to an athlete’s journey to success. Sports injuries are injuries that happen in athletic activities. It may happen while training or while in game play. They can also result from prolonged use of a particular body part or when a certain body part is strained.

Athletes who engage in contact sports usually experience traumatic injuries. These injuries are usually concussions  abrasions, bruises, sprain, contusion, wounds and fractures.

Other injuries which are referred to as repetitive stress injuries (RSI) are defined as “injuries to the musculoskeletal and nervous systems that may be caused by repetitive tasks, forceful exertions, vibrations, mechanical compression, or sustained or awkward positions”. Here are common RSIs that athletes experience. On my next post, I will give more information on these treatable conditions and list down athletes who have experienced it and how they were treated.

  • Achilles Tendinosis
  • Lateral Epicondylitis
  • Tennis Elbow
  • Golfer’s Elbow
  • Hamstring Strain
  • Rotator Cuff–Partial Tears
  • Biceps Tendinosis
  • Glenohumeral…

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Lateral Epicondylitis is a common athlete’s injury. Based on what I’ve read and what my doctor told me, the cause of my tennis elbow is due to excessive, repeated movements. This could also be the reason why people who have repetitive movements (gripping and grasping) are prone to this type of injury such as tennis player, golfer, drummer, and even plumber and painter. Regardless as to whether the movements are work related or not, lateral epicondylitis may occur.

I began to have interest with tennis at the age of 7. It was really odd because all my brothers and cousins were into baseball that time and I was the only one who wanted to try tennis. Anyways, I pursued my passion. I joined our school’s tennis team and I was part of the team till college. 


I immediately looked for a job after college and started working as a junior lab assistant. It was an 8-hour job, so I only had weekend to play tennis and do other stuff like swimming, watching movie with family, hanging out with friends, and so on.

8 years ago, I started feeling pain in my right elbow. I ignored it, thinking that it could get better, but it didn’t. It came to a point where I could no longer move my arm. Well, That’s the only time I thought about getting professional help and stopped relying from painkillers and anti inflammatory gels.

I never thought that getting medical help could be so confusing and difficult. My next posts will share my experiences with the medications I had and the results.

Pain Is Your Friend

Posted: May 21, 2013 in Uncategorized

“Pain is part of our life. Either you learn how to live with it or do something to make it go away.” – True… I agree with you…


“Pain is your friend; it is your ally. Pain reminds you to finish the job and get the hell home. Pain tells you when you have been seriously wounded. And you know what the best thing about pain is? It tells you you’re not dead yet!” — G.I Jane





5If you are in pain, always remember that we are all suffering. It is not just you. Pain is part of our life. Either you learn how to live with it or do something to make it go away.

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Finally, I was able to set up my own blog. I’ve been reading WordPress blogs and Blogger about Tennis and Lateral Epicondylitis. The main purpose of my blog is to share my super-epic Lateral Epicondylitis story from the moment I got it, the pain I endured, treatments that I had and their effects, and the medication I had that cured my LE completely.

I would love to share photos of me and my then-injured elbow, but I’m not sure if you guys would like to see them (lol). Well, I might… or I might not. We’ll see.